
Sunday, September 30, 2007

How Google Detects Invalid Clicks

Still thinking to cheat AdSense? Stop that. It will never bring you anywhere. You might pull it off with smaller ads network, but definitely not with Google. Here are some detection methods they might use. At the very least, they have the resources to do so.

IP Address
If the AdSense click is originated from the same IP Address as the one used for accessing your AdSense account, your account is flagged.

Most home users do not use static IP Address for Internet connection. In most cases just disconnect and reconnect will give you a new IP Address. But don’t forget, Google has set cookies on your computer.

Other Google Services
Thinking that you are safe just because you do not access your AdSense account? Think again. This time, consider these: GMail, Google Earth, Google Calendar, Google Search, Google Toolbar, Google Talk, Google Sitemap, Google Desktop, Blogger, and so on, and so on. With the wide range of services they provide, Google can trace the originator of most (or probably almost all) clicks.

Click Pattern 1
Oh, why this computer / IP address / person is so trigger-click-happy on this particular website but never click on the ads on other sites?

Click Pattern 2
And why is it that people accessing these sites direct (type-in URL or from bookmark) tend to be very active ad-clickers compared with those referred from search engine or other sites?

Click Pattern 3
And why the ad-clickers like to hit and run, compared with non ad-clickers that surf a few pages before leaving?

Click-Through-Rate (CTR)
Your CTR may range from 0.5% to 10%, but if it exceeds a certain point (probably around 10%), you are flagged.

Used Urchin (Google Analytics) before? Then you should know that Google can trace traffics origin down to the small town. Different IP doesn’t mean much. Unless you site is really targetted to one small geo-point, a high number of clicks from nearby location will get you banned quickly.

Hardware address
MAC address of the LAN card, modem, and router works almost like a fingerprint. I’m not sure if Google can track this, but probably they do. They have rocket scientist, remember?

Advertisers conversion rate
Ad click is one thing. But does it bring value to the advertisers? If none of the clicks on your site translate to conversion to the advertiser, you are in trouble. First the Smart-Pricing hits, then your AdSense account disabled.

Search Engine Ranking
Your website is not indexed on any search engine, not linked by any prominent website, but get consistently high traffic? That sounds like something is in play. Regardless of whether it is an adware-embedded software, spam, trojan clickbot, or intentionally installed click-exchange network, it doesn’t sound right.

Webpage design
How about the “click here” or “support us”? Google has the best search engine in the world. Is it really that hard to find those words?

Each of these detection methods might seem rather weak. But combine them together, and not many click-fraud can pass-through these filters. Even the smartest clickbot will have a hard time.
In short, it is almost impossible to cheat AdSense in the long term. Instead of spending time, money, and effort trying to outsmart Google, try these tips to improve your AdSense earning.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Let the browsing in orkut be on your finger tips. A menu will float over your orkut window which will have one touch links to various frequently browsed Orkut pages such as albums, scrapbooks, etc.
First Login to your Orkut Account then visit the following address for accessing Orkut Control Panel. Download is not required.
Access the Control Panel via the URL


Follow the steps:
1) Click HERE (It will be opened in a new window)
2) Click on Create a Google Account to access Orkut
3) Enter your really long firstname and lastname. (Upto 200 characters) and fill the entries for your fake profile. (Please note that you cannot change this longname later on, hence please be selective in choosing the text string.)
4) Click on I accept. Create my account
5) It will lead you to email verification window. Click on Click here to continue followed by I agree the terms of service for accepting orkut terms and services.
6) Do NOT Click on Update. Look up for the orkut search box on the right hand corner on the page. Type Orkuting.Com in the searchbox and from the search results, join the community Orkuting.Com
That's all.


Tell your friends about the 'Best Profile on Orkut' or the 'Worst Profile on Orkut'. Whenever someone clicks on the link, he will see his own profile. Works like a magic.

Universal Profile

Universal Album

Universal Scrapbook
That's all.


1) Upload your photograph which you wish to scrap in your album on orkut. (or in your display image)
2) Open your album. Click on the photograph. When the full size photograph opens up, RIGHT CLICK on the photograph and click on PROPERTIES. From the dialog box, copy the URL of the image. (Something like )
3) Paste the copied URL in the box below. Set the options and Click on RENDER.
4) Copy the generated version of the photograph and paste it in your scraps, testimonials and messages.

Murder in Orkut - be careful!!!

A sensational Murder has taken place in India through Orkut in Bombay. A girl and a guy met in orkut. Usual stuff. They talked with each other, as they were friends in their childhood and became trusted friends - again usual stuff. Wrote testimonials for one another - again usual stuff.But wait that's not all. This Guy then asked the Girl to meet him. And she did. But that was the first and the last meeting. She was found dead in the hotel room. The guy killed her.Here is the profile of the girl her murderer the moral of the story is:NEVER LOVE A STRANGER ON ORKUT.Be careful while adding the friends...!

Negative Posts

Post twice.
Delete the first.
Press F5 loads of times.
Number of refresh = number of negative posts.

Finding who has added you to their crush list

Add all your friends (or the one whom you want to find) in your crush list.
If any of them has added you to their crush list before, you will get an email.
Delete everyone from your crushlist.
This is the easiest way to find whether someone has added you to their crushlist.

Write Anonymous scraps

Create a fake account.
Write the scraps to the person you want.
Delete the account.
Your scraps from the deleted account becomes anonymous.

Knowing Email ID of any profile on Orkut

Ignore the person of whom you want to know the Email id.
Open your Gtalk of the same account as Orkut.
Go to Settings -> Blocked
You can see the ignored person's email id.

Write in different Indian languages

Go to for Hindi font.
Download Baraha for all Indian languages.
Go to Quillpad for Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Marathi

Writing in different cool fonts

This trick works only in Internet Explorer.
Go to Messenger Freaks to get cool fonts

Writing text in reverse order

Type the text in the scrapbook or any text box.
Type & # 8 2 3 8 without spaces before the message in the text box.
Example: "&#8238 This is message reverted."
The above message appears as - ‮ This is message reverted


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